I couldn’t believe my eyes. Is that really a Van Gogh?
I hurried over for a better look. Sure enough, “Van Gogh” was written on a piece of masking tape stuck to the frame, confirming what I already knew. It really was a Van Gogh! Never in my life did I imagine I’d find a beautiful Van Gogh print at a small town rummage sale. Granted, this was a huge rummage sale, but still.
It didn’t take me long to decide if I would purchase it. I wasn’t totally sure what “it” was. Obviously it wasn’t on original, but beyond that I’m in the dark. Is it a print? It is a reproduction? Is it good copy by some random person? I don’t know, but it’s beautiful!
I knew that I’d be kicking myself if I didn’t buy it. I checked my wallet and had exactly the amount of the print – plus $2. That was enough to buy the print, a gluten-free monster cookie, and have a dollar to spare. Done!
When my dad helped me hang the picture we talked about the high quality framing job. He told me that the piece of glass on the front would cost more than what I paid for the whole thing. Now that’s the kind of deal I like! The picture looks incredible in my house and will stand as a reminder of God’s love for me.
Really? Blossoming Almond Tree is going to remind me of God’s love? It sure is! You see, I almost didn’t make it to the rummage sale that day. After almost three years of treatments my health is so much better. I had a huge breakthrough a couple months back and just as I was starting to notice how well I was feeling I caught a nasty virus. I’ve been really sick for the past several weeks and I just can’t shake this thing.
It’s. So. Frustrating.

The day of the rummage sale I probably should have stayed home, but I talked my parents into taking me to check it out. I’m so glad I did because God used one not so little painting to teach me a lesson.
I’ve always liked Van Gogh’s work, especially when you take into account his short and difficult life. He suffered heartache, loss, and illness. From what I can tell from a brief online search, he started painting about 10 years before his death. Ten short years to create a lifetime of masterpieces.
Vincent Van Gogh died at the age of 37, only a few months after he painted Blossoming Almond Tree as a gift to his newborn nephew, Vincent. It was while he was ill that Van Gogh painted some of his best work. According to www.vggallery.com this painting is “a delicate study of hope and renewed life.”
Every time I look at this beautiful picture hanging on my wall I will remember who painted it. I’ll remember a man who, like me, suffered with illness, experienced heartache and loss, and found the only thing he had left to cling to was God.
Each time my eyes pass over the priceless masterpiece hanging on my wall I’ll be reminded that God sees me as His priceless masterpiece. Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) tells us that, “…we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”
Let that sink in for a minute. You, my friend, just like me, are God’s masterpiece. You are a priceless work of art. Unlike the print, or reproduction, or copy hanging in my living room, you are an original! There’s no one else like you and you have great value. We each have great value.
You might be feeling like me right now – sick, tired, weary, frustrated, and even angry. But we need to remember not just who we are, but Whose we are. We belong to the King of kings, the all-powerful God who created the universe and us!
I may be able to say I have a Van Gogh, but you know what? God can say that He has an original Josie Siler and an original [insert your name here]. He’s proud of us. He did a good job when He made us. He doesn’t make mistakes. We’re His masterpieces, created anew in Christ Jesus so that we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.
Are you ready? If so, take the first step with me and open His Word. Let’s read about His love for us and His plan for our lives. Let’s talk to Him, tell Him how we feel, and accept His compassionate love.
“Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances,
for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
– 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18