“In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem” (2 Samuel 11:1, NIV).
I’ve fought a fierce fight, faced my fears, and overcome many obstacles to get where I am. Of course, I want to enjoy it! I love my house because it is up against a beautiful hill with avocado trees. It reminds me to take time to admire where I’ve been and how long it took me to get here. I’m living in the freedom of being married, owning a home, and writing full time—something I prayed many years for.
After running for his life as a fugitive for many years, David learned to enjoy his life as King of Israel. He called this his place of safety or spacious place. He also respected God’s boundaries (Psalm 16:6).
David was in his “spacious” room with a view when he noticed Bathsheba. I didn’t connect these two until recently. It was in the springtime that David stayed behind.
He stopped fighting. I’m not sure if he was hurt or if he was generously tired of fighting. Maybe he just needed a vacation. Sometimes I need a vacation. The only person who truly knows David’s heart is God. While David was up on the rooftop of his palace enjoying his view, he noticed Bathsheba’s hot naked body. Yowza. He had two choices: turn and cover his eyes or take a vacation with someone else’s wife. Not only was David guilty of adultery, but murder. All because of his palace view. He couldn’t just watch her bathe. He had to have her.
I find it’s easier to slip quietly into sin when we are “on vacation.” It’s easier to justify spending way too much money on that vacation I can’t afford when I just need to get away. Like David, when I’m done fighting, I just want to get away. Friends, a room with a view is something to take very seriously. God provides our very own safe and spacious place because He knows how tired we are. That’s also when the enemy knows we are weak and bored. That’s when we need to be careful.
Maybe you’ve gone through a literal war and fought for our country. Maybe others of you have struggled on the battlefield of lust or pornography, and you’re not sure how to ask God to forgive you. I don’t know about you, but I’m so glad David’s example is in the Bible.
God forgave David’s indiscretions just as He forgives our sins today. We can thank God for that!
Dear Dream-Giver Jesus, thank you for the example of David. He fought and sinned greatly, and yet he was a man after your own heart. Help me overcome the wars that are waging in my heart. Give me victory to walk away no matter how boring or justified I feel in my weakness. Amen.
Why or why not?

*Excerpt taken from Dream Devotional, © 2014. All rights reserved.
You can purchase a copy of Renee’s newest book on Amazon for only $3.99 here: http://www.dreamdevotional.com.

Renee Fisher is a spirited speaker and author of five books including Dream Devotional (2014). She is the founding editor of DevotionalDiva.com, and a Dream Coach who loves spurring others forward (Heb. 10:24). A graduate of Biola University, Renee enjoys running on sunny days in California. She lives with her adoring husband, Marc, and their rambunctious pit bull named Star.