Taking care of someone who is fighting a
chronic illness is hard work. Caregivers are often just as physically,
emotionally, and spiritually worn-out as the one who is chronically sick.
Listed below are some of our favorite websites designed to meet your needs so
that you can better meet the needs of those you love.
- - Strength For Caring is a comprehensive website designed to provide family caregivers with a broad range of expert content and information, an emerging on-line community, daily inspiration, and much needed support.
- - Provides consultation services for students and families seeking special needs services from schools or systems. They will educate parents on the vocabulary and process preceding their child's Individual Education Program (IEP) team meeting. If necessary, they will attend the IEP team meeting to help the parents advocate for their child. They also provide tutoring to help students dealing with an illness or handicap meet their goals.
- - Is a leading provider of information, support, and guidance for family and professional caregivers.
- - The National Family Caregivers Association educates, supports, empowers and speaks up for the more than 65 million Americans who care for loved ones with a chronic illness or disability or the frailties of old age. NFCA reaches across the boundaries of diagnoses, relationships and life stages to help transform family caregivers' lives by removing barriers to health and well being.
- - Caring for a loved one with an illness is rewarding but can be overwhelming. You are juggling the demands of caring for everyone, but who is caring for you? You feel all alone and asking for help is hard to do. Let us help you get the help you need. This is a free site which helps the people in your community know what they can do to help you and your family. From volunteering to bring a meal to leaving an encouraging message, Lotsa Helping Hands helps the caregiver know they are not alone.
- - This website help you care for yourself while caring for an aging loved one.
- - We strive to provide caregivers with free access to the broadest possible range of worthwhile eldercare information.