Do you want to know a secret? I kind of want to be Wonder Woman. I’ve always loved Wonder Woman, and I don’t even know why. I haven’t read any comics, I haven’t seen any other Wonder Woman movies, and I’ve only watched the old TV show a couple of times and, well, that was pretty cheesy. But for some reason, I’ve always identified with Wonder Woman. She’s “my” superhero. Needless to say, when the previews for the new movie came out I was pretty excited.
When Erin and I were together a couple of weeks ago we went and saw the movie and I loved it. The entire movie I was making comparisons in my head between the movie and the Christian life. (Note: There are no major spoilers coming so you can keep reading if you haven’t seen the movie yet. Personally, I would not take young kids to this movie. Parents, see it first and judge if it’s appropriate for your child.)
I didn’t have a clue what the movie was going to be about, so everything about it was a surprise. If I had to sum it up in one sentence I would say, “Wonder Woman is a movie about a girl discovering who she really is and learning to walk in that knowledge.” And isn’t that what the Christian life is all about?
As Christians, we’re on a journey to discover who we are in Christ and how to walk in that knowledge. Diana, aka Wonder Woman, didn’t know the full extent of who she was. As she slowly discovered the truth about herself she became more confident and powerful. As we discover the truth about who God really is and who we are in Him, we become less fearful and more powerful. We discover that our power comes from Christ, and when we allow Him to live His life through ours, we have no limits. We have nothing to fear. We’re prepared and equipped to face any battle, any fight.
I’m so excited to introduce this new series with you. Each week I’m going to be writing about our unity with Christ. What does it look like to be united with Him? How does it affect our daily lives? Does scripture really say that we’re one with the King of kings and Lord of lords?
Galatians 3:26-27 (NLT) says, “For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes.” Isn’t it nice to put on new clothes? They’re fresh and clean, not yet faded, and we feel like a million bucks. We want to show off our new clothes so others can see how good we look in them. Being united with Christ is even better than new clothes! Clothes rest on your body, but being united with something or someone is much more intimate.
Is there a time when you felt really close to Jesus? I’d love to hear about it in the comments. Also, please let me know any questions you have about being united with Christ. I’ll try to answer them throughout the course of this series.
Before I go, I have to share this video with you. Singer/songwriter Jamie Grace made a video that perfectly sums up the way I felt after watching Wonder Woman. Sorry Jamie, I think Gal Gadot is more graceful than we’ll ever be (even if Grace is your last name)!